Thursday, June 14, 2007

Jay: Calvary Chapel Distinctives


I had to go back and review Calvary distinctive and still doing so, but I just wanted to try to get the ball rolling, I suppose we can update, go back and review, what ever we need to do.

1. “ Make your calling and election sure”
As Chuck points out, it is so critical that we know we have been called to certain areas of ministry, for me at this point the ministries are; the children, college and career, and certainly Open Doors, and my family; I really have a burden for all three facets.

2. “Ministry Attitude”
This one is so easy for me to forget, we should have an attitude of a servant no matter what capacity we are serving in, we are the servants, not vice versa.

1 comment:

Justin Smith said...

this is good... I think we should do "Why Grace Changes Everything" the same way... just break it up by chapter and write some comments on what the Lord showed us.