Friday, December 7, 2007

Jay: "Why Grace Changes Everything"

Why does grace change everything?

"By Gods grace we are saved! Not of works, lest any man should boast!" (Eph. 2:8.) No works that I am capable of gain me salvation, it is by Grace through Faith alone. This is such a freeing truth once it is grasped.

Our feeble attempts of righteousness without Christ and his Grace, "Are like filthy rags; and we all do fade like a leaf" (Isa. 64:6.) I find the harder I try to live righteously on my own volition the more difficult my walk with the Lord becomes. But standing strong in His Grace, there I find rest.

In chapter 6 Chuck draws the contrast between "works" and "fruit" very well. Chuck submits... "Works suggests a factory complete with pressures, deadlines, and the constant need to produce". Whereas, "Fruit pictures a peaceful, tranquil garden, a place where we are inclined to stay and drink in the beauty while we enjoy each others company" What a beautiful word picture this is! " God doesn't come to his factory looking for products. He comes to his garden to enjoy it's fruit!

Chuck uses 209 pages of this book to shed light into the depths of Gods grace, this book is a blessing and has really strengthened my walk. It has helped me back into the "Loving relationship" with Christ that He desires to have with all of us.

The latter part of this book really spoke to me about the constant battle of the flesh against the spirit.

In chapter 8, Chuck goes into the details of this battle that at times is extremely difficult. We cannot help out of it, and for some, this is almost insulting because we think of ourselves, so often, as strong, capable individuals. But in the spiritual realm, our fleshly efforts are powerless, we need the Grace of God. Chuck makes the point "If our spirits were still dead in trespasses and sins, we wouldn't be struggling with evil desires, we would dive right in and live after the flesh! So the fact this battle rages is strong proof that we are indeed children of God.''

The battle will continue this side of heaven but we can walk in victory by "not fighting the flesh but strengthening the spirit" This simple yet profound thought resonates deeply with me.

I thank the Lord for his wonderful grace through the greatest expression of love; the willingness of Christ to pay our due penalty.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Justin: Second

I was surprised when I saw the length of this book after I bought it. I read it all in one sitting, and was even able to look up a few of the references mentioned for further insight.

This was a great book even though it was nothing fancy. Just pastor Romaine's thoughts on the subject of being an assistant pastor. I liken it to an icy cold spiritual shower. He doesn't pull any punches when talking about the responsibilities and position of a second man. It is purely the job of the "second" man to stay in the "shade", lift up the arms of the senior paster, and to simply serve God and people.

One part that stuck out was when Romaine talked about how many assistant pastors will tire at around 6 months and stop serving people. This resonated with me because I have a history of starting things strong, and not finishing well. It's about keeping eyes on Jesus, not getting lazy, and not becoming distracted. Is ministry a privilege, or a burden and obligation?

Heb. 4:13, Ps. 139:2 -- I stand before God, and God alone when it comes to ministry. Just because I can shmooze the pastor, or get people to like me doesn't mean I'm doing God's work. My actions are judged by him and him alone. Not just the outward works that are seen by men, but the things done in secret as well. Those are the things God cares about. It reflects a true heart before Him, and not just a desire to please men.

One final thing I liked was in Chapter 5. I have been thinking alot about honoring people in authority lately whether it be gov't leaders, Church leaders, local authorities, teachers, bosses, whatever... God has placed those people there, and it is my job to honor and respect them and their place of authority. It can be such a trap in a Church for people to start talking negatively about a particular person in leadership. It can destroy Churches, and has destroyed people and relationships in my own life. So, respecting the person in your life (in this case, your pastor) is extremely important. Number 12:1-10 really stuck out to me because God was furious that Aaron and Miriam dared question Moses' authority. Also 1 Thess. 5:12-13 are really good when talking on the subject - "esteem them very highly".

Great book. Easy read. Lots of nuggets.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Justin: Calvanism, Arminianism or the Bible

I'm glad I finally got the chance to read this... It only took a few minutes. I read it on this website.

I've had a pretty strong feeling on these issues, but it's all been based on what I've heard from other teachers, and not on what I've seen in the Bible for myself. Chuck does a good job of laying out CC's position Biblically.

My understanding up to this point on the Cal v. Arm issue has been that neither side was completely right. They both hold Biblical views, but they also both have to throw out other scriptures to make their points stand. I see it as man's way to try to put God into a box, when that is impossible for an infinite God. Biblically, a balance has to be struck between the two views and I've heard it described before as cal-minianism. Which has always made sense to me because both positions have good points, they just need to come together and agree that there is scripture to support both positions and stop fighting.

That is probably the point that I appreciated the most in this small book... the fact that this debate has caused radical division and divisiveness in the Body of Christ. It's clear that the fruit of these doctrines have not brought about any fruit whatsoever. Here is a quote:

Jesus said, "By their fruit ye shall know them." When a particular position on the
Scriptures causes one to become argumentative, legalistic, and divisive, I
question the validity of that position. I seek to embrace those things that tend to
make me more loving and kind, more forgiving and merciful. I know then that I
am becoming more like my Lord.

One last thing I wanted to mention was my understanding of the actual 5 points of Calvanism. I find it interesting that the 5 points were established AFTER Calvin died. This stuck me as odd, and I heard it explained one time by Robert Morey that there is a good possibility that John Calvin wasn't even a 5 point calvanist. When the 5 points were set up at the council of Dort, The people that actually quipped the 5 points were the Arminians! Not the calvanists. The council was set up as a debate, and the arminians came with a "strong arm" argument against the calvanists in order to win the debate... and the 5 points stuck. Calvanists these days don't seem to recognize that the TULIP system is really an extreme position, and not necessarily what John Calvin himself believed.

Anyway, I love Calvary Chapel's balanced Biblical opinion on the matter...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Justin: Grace Changes Everything Chap. 4-14

Sorry for the long hiatus... I finally finished the book, and hope to be on a faster reading track in the future, or this internship is going to last until the second coming!!

I'm just going to summarize a few quotes that stuck out to me:

Chap. 4

- "Our faith must necessarily lead to a life of obedience and right actions, but it is not those right actions or our obedience that earn us right standing before God."

Chap. 5

- "To walk in the Spirit means that we allow the Holy Spirit to exercise control over our lives. Every day we are presented with the option of living after the Spirit or after our own fleshly desires." --- This clearly demonstrates a conscious choice that must be made by me on a day by day basis. I truly do have the option.

- " A computer can only produce that which has been programmed into it. In like manner, our minds are being programmed daily. If our input comes from the flesh, our lives will be characterized by the flesh. If we begin to program our minds with the things of the Spirit, our lives will begin to reflect the priorities of the Spirit" --- Put good stuff in, and good will come out... etc, etc.

- "I am convinced that one of our greatest needs is to become more and more aware of God's presence at all times" --- one of the greatest quotes in the book. A truth that I have seen true in my own life. I want a conscious understanding of God's presence with me all the time... and it is very hard to come by sometimes because I get so wrapped up in my own little world.

Chap. 6

- "Ripening (fruit) is the natural product of relationship"

- The fruit of a relationship with Christ is doing what you love to do by serving God. God doesn't want manufactured works from us that we sweat and toil for. He doesn't want those works of the flesh that we work so hard to produce. The natural fruit of the spirit in my life will flow naturally out of my relationship with Him, and it will be a joy in my life, not a drudgery.

Chap. 7

- "The only attitude acceptable to Him says, 'I'm a failure and I don't deserve it - but please Lord, go ahead and bless me anyway'."

- "The problem is that you are looking for a blessing on the basis of your own performance. You are trapped in the kind of thinking that says: 'when I become so good and perfect, then He can bless me'." --- I get in this mindset all the time. I tend to not only equate His grace with my works (good or bad), but also the blessings He pours out. I did some good works, so I should get blessed, or I was in the flesh, and really messed up: God won't bless me now. That is messed up... if his blessings relied on what I could or couldn't do, I would never receive his blessings. It's all because of His grace, and not anything about me. I just have to receive what He has for me based upon that grace.

Chap. 9

- " If we are to remain free, we must be careful not to exercise our liberty in any area that will bring us back under bondage."

Chap. 14

- "God has given you but one simple responsibility: to believe in His promise. You can enjoy the blessing of a relationship with God even though you may not pray enough, or sacrifice enough because your faith in what God has already done for you." --- when I can sit back and say truly, that I have a relationship with God because of what He has done, and not what I've done, then I will be in the place of true relationship and be ready to receive the blessings that God wants to give me. Lord help me to come to that place.

I was really blessed by this book...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Justin: Grace Changes Everything Chap. 1-3

This book really resonates with me... especially the forward where Chuck talks about growing up in a Godly home and having the tendency to turn towards legalism. It is something I have struggled with my entire life. There were many times where I just wouldn't come before God because I simply thought that He wouldn't hear me because of my sin... that He couldn't forgive me, and that I was confined to a spiritual penalty box until I could do enough good things, and have enough quite times to get back on God's good side. God has really used this book in my life...

Chapter 1:

This chapter really reiterates the foundation of the gospel: our righteousness is as filthy rags, we are saved by grace through faith, we can't come to God on our own merits or good works. I thought about catholics throughout the entire chapter because it decimates any argument that good works have anything to do with salvation. The term good works, and salvation shouldn't even appear in the same sentence!

This is my favorite quote from the chapter because it reminds me of my relationship with Christ before I discovered the true meaning of grace:

" Just about the time I feel as though I were restoring a right relationship with God, something would happen. I blew up, and down I went again. I would be forced to start climbing the ladder of good works once more until I got to the rung where I finally felt I could relate to God again."

This totally describes my life as a Christian for many years. My relationship with God was totally predicated on what I could do for God, and not on what God had already done for me... but as soon as I understood that grace, my relationship was no longer based on what I could do for God. I was free. And the funny thing that happened was that alot of the sin that was in my life went away. The same grace that I accepted for salvation, was the same grace that God used to free me from my everyday sin.

Chapter 2:

"None of us will stand in heaven comparing good works with one another because there will only be one who will receive glory before the throne of God."

I love this quote. So often, I get wrapped up in comparing good works with other people, thinking people are more or less holy than me based on what I can see. But in reality, if we are in Christ, we have been made righteous by Him through grace. We are all on the same playing field. I think where people get confused is when they look at someone being used in a certain capacity and think that they are more holy for some reason because God is using them in a position of authority or a seemingly more popular ministry. But we all stand before God based on His grace.

Here is another quote that was similar to what I mentioned in Chap 1:
" sometimes I will feel that my relationship with God is good and at other times I will feel that it is bad. Why? Becaue I am trying to relate to Him on the basis of my righteousness."

Peace and hope are now possible through God's grace. I don't have to be tossed here and there, up and down in my relationship with God. I have a steady hope based on God's grace.

My conduct and my standing before God are totally unrelated.

Chapter 3:

"Anything worthwhile I have comes from God"
Why is it so eash to lose sight of this and become prideful? If anything good comes out of my life it is because God empowered me to do it. God should always be getting the glory.

The greatest truth that I learned from this chapter is that we are all unworthy, it's only by His grace that he saves us, sanctifies us, calls us, and uses us.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jay: Thankful For Grace

Wow, I am only a few chapters into "Why Grace Changes everything" the whole concept of Grace is something that I have a hard time grasping sometimes, but even more so just how truly Holy our Lord is. I am so thankful that the Lord has provided a way to have fellowship with him through Jesus; otherwise we would have no chance even approaching the throne of our God who is so Pure and Holy. To him our righteousness is like filthy rags, we have nothing to bring, no merit on our own. We can only approach God and have fellowship with him through the righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am so thankful that God knows us so well, He knows our condition, no matter how hard we try we fall short. Because of this, by His grace he provided a way! thank you Jesus! My heart goes out to all those that are caught in the trap of self-righteousness, trying to work their way into the presence of the only God, pure and Holy God; what a disappointing state to be in. I often wonder why certain individuals think they will somehow make themselves righteous enough to meet Gods standard. Jesus is the only one that walked this earth and lived a perfect life, free of sin. No one else can make that claim. Gods standard "Perfection" ........ Jesus is perfection.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Justin: Harvest

I was also really blessed by this book. It's one of those very easy reads that you can just sit back and enjoy. I think I've read it a couple of times, and will probably read it a few more. I never grow tired of reading about what God has done in these guy's lives.

I particularly remember the guy that was demon possessed that God rescued, and it just hit me how real the spiritual realm really is.

This book just reminds me of 1 Corinthians 1:27 "God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise."

One of my favorite testimonies of all time can be found here The messages are entitled: "One Surrendered Life" #1,2

I look forward to reading this again one day when I have the time. It just shows how God can literally use anyone.

Format for "CCCR Internship" Blog

Ok... here it is. It's not much, but it should work to be able to catalog everything we discuss about these books we have to go through.

We have a couple of options to discuss a particular topic, we can just comment on a post that has already been made, or we can edit the post... commenting will probably be easier.

I set up labels, so depending on the post topics, we can label it with the name of the book. That way, you can always click on the right side of the blog under the "labels" section to review what was written about that book or topic.

Jay: Harvest


This book is one of my favorites, it is filled with testimonies of people who were so entangled, so far gone done the road of destructive behaviors that even psychologists had given up on them, as well as family and society. Some of these great men that God radically transformed are some of the leading Bible teachers of our time. Testimony’s contained in Harvest serve as great reminders of the awesome power of our Lord. We should never look down on someone because they are what some might consider “Rejects” or “Junkies” or what ever you fill in the blank; God can change anyone, we should share Jesus with them, they might be the next Greg Laurie or Geno or Raul. To me this book just shows the love, forgiveness, and transforming kindness God will pour out on those that turn to him and God is just seeking obedient people to use, not necessarily theological scholars, just humble obedient men.

Jay: Calvary Chapel Distinctives


I had to go back and review Calvary distinctive and still doing so, but I just wanted to try to get the ball rolling, I suppose we can update, go back and review, what ever we need to do.

1. “ Make your calling and election sure”
As Chuck points out, it is so critical that we know we have been called to certain areas of ministry, for me at this point the ministries are; the children, college and career, and certainly Open Doors, and my family; I really have a burden for all three facets.

2. “Ministry Attitude”
This one is so easy for me to forget, we should have an attitude of a servant no matter what capacity we are serving in, we are the servants, not vice versa.