Friday, December 7, 2007

Jay: "Why Grace Changes Everything"

Why does grace change everything?

"By Gods grace we are saved! Not of works, lest any man should boast!" (Eph. 2:8.) No works that I am capable of gain me salvation, it is by Grace through Faith alone. This is such a freeing truth once it is grasped.

Our feeble attempts of righteousness without Christ and his Grace, "Are like filthy rags; and we all do fade like a leaf" (Isa. 64:6.) I find the harder I try to live righteously on my own volition the more difficult my walk with the Lord becomes. But standing strong in His Grace, there I find rest.

In chapter 6 Chuck draws the contrast between "works" and "fruit" very well. Chuck submits... "Works suggests a factory complete with pressures, deadlines, and the constant need to produce". Whereas, "Fruit pictures a peaceful, tranquil garden, a place where we are inclined to stay and drink in the beauty while we enjoy each others company" What a beautiful word picture this is! " God doesn't come to his factory looking for products. He comes to his garden to enjoy it's fruit!

Chuck uses 209 pages of this book to shed light into the depths of Gods grace, this book is a blessing and has really strengthened my walk. It has helped me back into the "Loving relationship" with Christ that He desires to have with all of us.

The latter part of this book really spoke to me about the constant battle of the flesh against the spirit.

In chapter 8, Chuck goes into the details of this battle that at times is extremely difficult. We cannot help out of it, and for some, this is almost insulting because we think of ourselves, so often, as strong, capable individuals. But in the spiritual realm, our fleshly efforts are powerless, we need the Grace of God. Chuck makes the point "If our spirits were still dead in trespasses and sins, we wouldn't be struggling with evil desires, we would dive right in and live after the flesh! So the fact this battle rages is strong proof that we are indeed children of God.''

The battle will continue this side of heaven but we can walk in victory by "not fighting the flesh but strengthening the spirit" This simple yet profound thought resonates deeply with me.

I thank the Lord for his wonderful grace through the greatest expression of love; the willingness of Christ to pay our due penalty.