Friday, November 9, 2007

Justin: Second

I was surprised when I saw the length of this book after I bought it. I read it all in one sitting, and was even able to look up a few of the references mentioned for further insight.

This was a great book even though it was nothing fancy. Just pastor Romaine's thoughts on the subject of being an assistant pastor. I liken it to an icy cold spiritual shower. He doesn't pull any punches when talking about the responsibilities and position of a second man. It is purely the job of the "second" man to stay in the "shade", lift up the arms of the senior paster, and to simply serve God and people.

One part that stuck out was when Romaine talked about how many assistant pastors will tire at around 6 months and stop serving people. This resonated with me because I have a history of starting things strong, and not finishing well. It's about keeping eyes on Jesus, not getting lazy, and not becoming distracted. Is ministry a privilege, or a burden and obligation?

Heb. 4:13, Ps. 139:2 -- I stand before God, and God alone when it comes to ministry. Just because I can shmooze the pastor, or get people to like me doesn't mean I'm doing God's work. My actions are judged by him and him alone. Not just the outward works that are seen by men, but the things done in secret as well. Those are the things God cares about. It reflects a true heart before Him, and not just a desire to please men.

One final thing I liked was in Chapter 5. I have been thinking alot about honoring people in authority lately whether it be gov't leaders, Church leaders, local authorities, teachers, bosses, whatever... God has placed those people there, and it is my job to honor and respect them and their place of authority. It can be such a trap in a Church for people to start talking negatively about a particular person in leadership. It can destroy Churches, and has destroyed people and relationships in my own life. So, respecting the person in your life (in this case, your pastor) is extremely important. Number 12:1-10 really stuck out to me because God was furious that Aaron and Miriam dared question Moses' authority. Also 1 Thess. 5:12-13 are really good when talking on the subject - "esteem them very highly".

Great book. Easy read. Lots of nuggets.