Monday, July 2, 2007

Justin: Grace Changes Everything Chap. 1-3

This book really resonates with me... especially the forward where Chuck talks about growing up in a Godly home and having the tendency to turn towards legalism. It is something I have struggled with my entire life. There were many times where I just wouldn't come before God because I simply thought that He wouldn't hear me because of my sin... that He couldn't forgive me, and that I was confined to a spiritual penalty box until I could do enough good things, and have enough quite times to get back on God's good side. God has really used this book in my life...

Chapter 1:

This chapter really reiterates the foundation of the gospel: our righteousness is as filthy rags, we are saved by grace through faith, we can't come to God on our own merits or good works. I thought about catholics throughout the entire chapter because it decimates any argument that good works have anything to do with salvation. The term good works, and salvation shouldn't even appear in the same sentence!

This is my favorite quote from the chapter because it reminds me of my relationship with Christ before I discovered the true meaning of grace:

" Just about the time I feel as though I were restoring a right relationship with God, something would happen. I blew up, and down I went again. I would be forced to start climbing the ladder of good works once more until I got to the rung where I finally felt I could relate to God again."

This totally describes my life as a Christian for many years. My relationship with God was totally predicated on what I could do for God, and not on what God had already done for me... but as soon as I understood that grace, my relationship was no longer based on what I could do for God. I was free. And the funny thing that happened was that alot of the sin that was in my life went away. The same grace that I accepted for salvation, was the same grace that God used to free me from my everyday sin.

Chapter 2:

"None of us will stand in heaven comparing good works with one another because there will only be one who will receive glory before the throne of God."

I love this quote. So often, I get wrapped up in comparing good works with other people, thinking people are more or less holy than me based on what I can see. But in reality, if we are in Christ, we have been made righteous by Him through grace. We are all on the same playing field. I think where people get confused is when they look at someone being used in a certain capacity and think that they are more holy for some reason because God is using them in a position of authority or a seemingly more popular ministry. But we all stand before God based on His grace.

Here is another quote that was similar to what I mentioned in Chap 1:
" sometimes I will feel that my relationship with God is good and at other times I will feel that it is bad. Why? Becaue I am trying to relate to Him on the basis of my righteousness."

Peace and hope are now possible through God's grace. I don't have to be tossed here and there, up and down in my relationship with God. I have a steady hope based on God's grace.

My conduct and my standing before God are totally unrelated.

Chapter 3:

"Anything worthwhile I have comes from God"
Why is it so eash to lose sight of this and become prideful? If anything good comes out of my life it is because God empowered me to do it. God should always be getting the glory.

The greatest truth that I learned from this chapter is that we are all unworthy, it's only by His grace that he saves us, sanctifies us, calls us, and uses us.